City Gay and Country Gay

Sunday, January 27, 2008

I Used to Love Bacon

I spotted the picture below at Serious Eats and had to find out more information. This is one of the grossest things I've ever seen, and yet I'm oddly fascinated with it. Maybe it's because it is all made of meat, and you know how I likes me some meat.

I don't quite understand the rolled up piece of meat on all of the pirates' laps. Does that represent something, or am I being dirty? It looks like the pirate is going to spank a Vienna sausage.


Anonymous said...

That's hilarious.

They mentioned in the forum that the rolled up pieces up meat represented a canon, but I don't quite know why a pirate would hold a canon in his lap.

This gave me a flashback to The Stinky Meat Project.

slambo said...

OMG! I had forgotten about The Stinky Meat Project. I have memories of looking at that in my dorm room and gagging. Gross.

The Soviet said...

me thinks if it's a cannon, as soon as the pirate lights it, he's going to lose his other eye.

and then he'll never see the vienna sausage he's spanking.

Anonymous said...

Since you say it's a cannon, now I see that the pirate isn't sitting. Those aren't legs that the cannon is on, those are supposed to be wheels so you can roll it around. The pirate is actually standing beside the cannon and getting ready to spank it.

Anonymous said...

Thank God someone was able to make sense of this. Spanks, Clay.

I tell ya, if that pirate isn't careful, he's going to end up losing his third eye too. And then he'll really have something to say "arrrg" about.

Anonymous said...

Now it all makes sense.

As I was eating my mom's meatloaf tonight, I thought for a brief moment: "This could totally become some weird meat ship."

Maybe that should become a contest. Kind of like Legos with food.